ISSN 2409-7616

Toma Zh.V., Chistyakova S.V., Emelin V.N., Kochetkova E.F.


UDC 378

Toma Zh.V.1 (Penza, Russian Federation) –; Chistyakova S.V.1 (Penza, Russian Federation) –; Emelin V.N.2 (Penza, Russian Federation) –; Kochetkova E.F.1 (Penza, Russian Federation) –

1Penza State University

2Penza State Agrarian University

Abstract. The article examines the challenges of the modern higher education system based on resolving the contradictions between the need to train professional personnel for the future and the established ideas about a career among students. However, many requirements, conditions, risks, uncertainties, multifactorial reality, penetrating the consciousness of young people, do not always contribute to the formation of a stable picture of social and professional existence. Analyzing the ongoing changes, it was established that it was necessary to study the opinion of first-year students in relation to their place and role in future professional activity. The questionnaire “Professional career of modern youth” was used as a study tool. For a more effective analysis of the obtained data from the student survey, all questions were conditionally divided into 2 groups: “Ideas” and “Attitudes”. The work provides an assessment of the choices made by students at the theoretical level and determines the focus of professional education of the student’s personality throughout the entire period of study at the university. The trends and possibilities of managing the process of professional education of students are analyzed. The results showed that students demonstrate attitudes towards building their career and choose education, professional improvement, development of practical skills, etc. as paths. At the same time, such opinions (ideas) of students about career paths were revealed that we perceive as negative (sometimes unacceptable), but they are also indicators of how students see their professional path and how they perceive the importance of education on this path. The identified trends are associated with the need to determine and justify mechanisms for the implementation of professional education of students at the university in the future.

Keywords: students, university, professional education, professional training, self-realization, professional career.


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For citation: Toma Zh.V., Chistyakova S.V., Emelin V.N., Kochetkova E.F. Focus of professional training of students based on their ideas about career expectations. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 570-580.