ISSN 2409-7616

Vasiljeva G.M.


UDC 37.01

Vasiljeva G.M.1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) –

1Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management

Abstract.  The article explores the definitional bases of ‘education’ and ‘upbringing’ in different cultures and their correlation with similar concepts. The universal elements of human experience are studied: pedagogy, enlightenment as a sphere of human spirit, educational imperative in the humanistic tradition of different countries. The relevance of the problem is connected with the fact that it is necessary to improve the pedagogical system capable of countering ethno- and xenophobia, to form human skills of cooperation with representatives of other nationalities, races, cultures and religions. On the one hand, it is necessary to preserve the originality of ethno-cultures, on the other hand, to adapt them to the processes of integration and internationalisation. The methodological basis of the research is observation and the principle of system analysis, descriptive and comparative methods. Multicultural education helps to solve the problem. The study of key concepts for thinking requires reference to the comparative semantics of different cultures. The interpretation of ideas in the past and present allows us to study the value aspects of dynamic educational practice. The works of G.W. Leibniz, G.E. Lessing, W. von Humboldt, I. von Goethe, and Eastern thinkers devoted to education in the context of human life meanings, ethno-cultural and ethno-integrating values are considered. Generalising works of thinkers played a role in the organisation of ‘educational communities. In the XXI st century, the paradigm is being renewed and attitudes towards the goals and methods of teaching are changing. Modern socio-cultural reality is connected with mass media technologies, visual practices. Multimedia resources for the creation of online events, improvement of media content (websites, presentations) enhance interactivity. At the same time, the importance of book and written culture, the role of the university library as a cultural and historical type, and its educational functions are preserved. Mnemological semantics of enlightenment of previous generations, actualisation of meanings provides social continuity, preservation of traditions in the educational and enlightenment process.

Keywords: enlightenment, self-awareness of the individual, European thinkers, the Confucian canon, images of “good teachers”, transnational education.


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For citation: Vasiljeva G.M. Cultural and philosophical topic “Enlightenment, education”: history and continuity in the global educational process. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 557-569.