Trinadtsatko O.A.
UDC 378.4
Trinadtsatko O.A.1 (Khabarovsk, Russian Federation) –
1Pacific State University
Abstract. In this article, the author examines the variety of approaches to the concept of “worldview”, and also provides the concepts of “pedagogical worldview”, “professional worldview” and professional pedagogical worldview. The author cites the factors influencing the worldview on the personality, including future teachers: understanding oneself and other people, developing critical thinking, orientation in the world, interaction with society and concludes about the holistic nature of the worldview. The author of the article focuses on the fact that the “pedagogical worldview” underlies the professional activity of a modern teacher, giving an analysis of the scientific works of various scientists. This article also provides an analysis of aspects of the pedagogical worldview: philosophical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical. The author defines the concept of “professional worldview” and concludes that the two concepts of “pedagogical worldview” and “professional worldview” are inseparable. The article also emphasizes that the basis of the professional pedagogical worldview is a system of ideas, views, values, principles, beliefs, which, forming the professional worldview of a future teacher, influence his practical activities. The formation of a professional and pedagogical worldview requires future teachers to constantly develop themselves, be open to new knowledge and ideas. The professional pedagogical worldview, as defined by the author, influences the choice of methods and approaches to teaching and upbringing, the ability of a teacher to successfully adapt to the constantly changing conditions of the modern education system, as well as his ability to motivate and inspire students. The author emphasizes the importance of forming a professional pedagogical worldview of future teachers and provides its functions. The article presents a systematic view of the phenomenon of professional pedagogical worldview as an indicator of the effectiveness of pedagogical activity.
Keywords: worldview, pedagogical worldview, professional worldview, professional and pedagogical worldview, personality, future teachers.
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For citation: Trinadtsatko O.A. Professional and pedagogical worldview of future teachers: conceptualization of the concept.CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 74-90.