ISSN 2409-7616

Sidorenko O.I.


UDC 378.126

Sidorenko O.I.1(Lugansk, Russian Federation) –

1Luhansk State Pedagogical University

Abstract.The article actualizes the problem of intercultural communicative competence formation of future foreign language teachers, which is considered as sense-creating activity of these specialists. The author defines scientific-research activity as one of the ways to form intercultural communicative competence of future foreign language teachers. At the same time, the shortcoming in pedagogical science and practice of research of this problem is indicated. This specifies the purpose of the study related to the substantiation of theoretical foundations of scientific-research activity of future foreign language teachers and the feasibility of its use in the process of intercultural communicative competence formation. In his study, the author relies on the methodology of system-active, intercultural, communicative and personality-oriented approaches. Taking into account the existing scientific developments and the results of his own scientific research, the author defined the conceptual field of the study. The author’s definition of the concepts “scientific activity of a teacher”, “research activity of a teacher”, “scientific-research activity of a teacher”, “scientific-research activity of students”, “scientific-research activity of future foreign language teachers” is given and their essence is characterized. The author associates the organization and content of scientific-research activity of future foreign language teachers in the process of developing intercultural communicative competence with the specifics of their professional training and the intercultural context of learning, the tasks of future professional activity, and the essence of intercultural communicative competence. This made it possible to highlight the features of organizing scientific-research activities of future foreign language teachers. The author paid special attention to the most effective methods of conducting scientific-research work of future foreign language teachers, which includes IBLL technology, case technology, and the Flipped Classroom technology. The author points out the advisability of using search, research, situational, problem, and project tasks of intercultural content based on linguistic methods for solving intercultural problems.

Keywords: future foreign language teachers, scientific activity of a teacher, research activity of a teacher, scientific-research activity of a teacher, scientific-research activity of students, scientific-research activity of future foreign language teachers, intercultural communicative competence of future foreign language teachers.


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For citation: Sidorenko O.I. Scientific-research activity as a means of intercultural communicative competence formation of future foreign language teachers. CITISE, 2024, no. 4, pp. 40-52.