ISSN 2409-7616

Kvitkovskaya A.A., Mosienko L.V., Kuvakina E.S.


Kvitkovskaya A.A.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Mosienko L.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Kuvakina E.S.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Russian State Social University

2College of Architecture and Construction No. 7

Abstract. In the context of the transformation of society and growing demands on human capital, state youth policy should become a tool for development, which is closely related to the civic position of young people. Making the civic position adequate to modern requirements is one of the important tasks of youth policy bodies at all levels of government, both executive and legislative. Many authors have been engaged in defining the term “civic position”, which allows us to interpret this concept as polysemantic, existing at the junction of different scientific disciplines. The article considers the problem of development of the civic position of students of a technical college in the process of professional training. The purpose of the article is to describe the content and structure of the model of development of the civic position of students of a technical college. For this purpose, the article clarifies the concept of “civic position of students of a technical college”, which is understood as a qualitative integrative characteristic of a person, manifested in everyday communication and interaction with people around them, the social world, taking into account the accepted meanings, values, stereotypes and norms of Russian society, in accordance with the needs of future professional activity. The place and role of SPO in the development of the civic position of students of a technical college are determined. This process is presented in the form of a graphical model, its content and structure are described.

Keywords: professional training process, technical college, civic position, development, model.


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For citation: Kvitkovskaya A.A., Mosienko L.V., Kuvakina E.S. Model of development of civic position of technical college students in the process of professional training. CITISE, 2024, no. 3, pp. 475-486.