Pronina N.A.
UDC 378.4
Pronina N.A.1 (Tula, Russian Federation) –
1Tula State Pedagogical University named after L. N. Tolstoy
Abstract. An important role in the formation of the future teacher and his successful further professional self-realization is played by soft skills that allow the specialist to become more successful, establish contact with children and colleagues, realize his creative potential and find his place in life. Among scientists, there is no single point of view on the classification of soft skills. A large number of works on this topic were analyzed, this allowed us to conclude that the topic of developing soft skills among specialists is relevant and worries the minds of many scientists. In this article, we will propose a working definition and an author’s classification of the soft skills of the future teacher. The purpose of this study was to create a model of a future teacher with soft skills, and to test in practice its effectiveness. The object of the study was the soft skills of future teachers. The hypothesis of the study is to assume that the soft skills of the future teacher consist of the following components: organizational and communicative tendencies, strong-willed potential of the individual, self-regulation of behavior. Research objectives: to analyze the definition of soft skills in psychological and pedagogical literature; propose a working definition of the soft skills of the future teacher; Analyze the current soft skills create a model of a future teacher with soft skills, and in practice test its effectiveness; to diagnose soft whines in future teachers. The basis of the study was the Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy, 144 students of 1-5 courses of the Faculty of Russian Philology and Document Science, studying in the field of training 44.03.05 Pedagogical education with two training profiles (“Russian language. Foreign language “,” Russian language. World fiction “,” Russian language. Literature”). To study the problem, both theoretical methods (analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the topic of research, modeling, descriptive statistics, conjugacy tables, non-parametric Kraskal-Wallis criterion) and practical methods (testing, stating an experiment) were used. The article is practical-oriented and can be useful for teachers and students of secondary and higher professional educational institutions.
Keywords: soft skills, university, teacher, professional self-realization, future teacher.
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For citation: Pronina N.A. Soft skills of a future teacher as a factor of his successful professional self-realization. CITISE, 2024, no. 2, pp. 95-105.