ISSN 2409-7616

Luarsabovi L.L., Shibnev A.V., Pushkareva T.V.


UDC 378

Luarsabovi L.L.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Shibnev A.V.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Pushkareva T.V.3 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Moscow Financial and Industrial University “Synergy”

2Moscow City Pedagogical University

3Moscow Pedagogical State University

Abstract. Competitiveness has always been a source of many significant life values, which makes the issues of competitive advantages of specialists especially relevant. Many scholars have endeavored to understand the mechanisms of professional activity and identify key aspects of individual competitiveness to develop them. Subsequently, the study of competitive relations in sport has been analyzed by both theorists and practitioners. Given the constant progress of figure skating, the requirements for the training of coaches are increasing, which necessarily has an impact on the training process and on the performance of athletes. Figure skating deserves attention as an area of activity that requires outstanding abilities from both coaches and athletes. The purpose of the study was to develop a pedagogical model for the development of competitiveness of figure skating coaches and to assess the influence of this factor on children’s achievement of high results. Research methodology. The study used a personality-oriented methodological approach, and also, a systematic approach. This approach, by relying on a system of interrelated concepts, ideas and methods of action, made it possible to ensure and support the processes of self-knowledge and self-realization of the individual, the development of his competitiveness. Scientific novelty. Based on the obtained data, the indicator of professional performance of the coach-teacher at the beginning and at the end of the experiment was calculated. The structural and substantive components of the pedagogical model of developing the competitiveness of the figure skating coaches are clarified and substantiated. The result of study. The results of coaches of the control and experimental groups were measured at the beginning and at the end of the experiment. In the experimental group, training was organized at the professional development courses, the definition of which was based on the pedagogical model of increasing the competitiveness of figure skating coaches developed by us. Practical significance. As a result of the conducted research, we have developed a pedagogical model of formation of competitiveness of figure skating coach in professional activity, which is based on four components: motivational-value component; personal-organizational component; communicative-social component; activity component. The effectiveness of the pedagogical model is confirmed by the obtained reliably significant increases in the indicators of sports results and achievements shown by athletes.

Keywords: figure skating, competitiveness of the coaches, pedagogical model of the competitiveness development.


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For citation: Luarsabovi L.L., Shibnev A.V., Pushkareva T.V.  The pedagogical model of development of the figure skating coaches competitiveness as a factor in children`s achievement high results in sports. CITISE, 2024, no. 2, pp. 84-94.