ISSN 2409-7616

Sokolova E.V.


UDC 378.1

Sokolova E.V.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Moscow State Institute of International Relations (University)

Abstract. The article presents a theoretical overview on teachers’ professional motivation and the results of the survey conducted among teachers in different educational fields. The major aim of the research was to identify the main factors contributing to strengthening or weakening teachers’ motivation in terms of their professional practice. A specially designed questionnaire covered the issues of motivating and demotivating factors, general importance of professional motivation and its potential to affect the academic outcomes. “The results” section represents the survey results and “Discussion” section provides their analysis. The results proved the importance for a teacher to feel motivated for their effective practice and suggested possible motivating and demotivating stimuli. The data obtained can be used by university staff to initiate and introduce programmes aiming for professional motivation encouragement and, therefore, able to reinforce academic performance and competitiveness of educational institutions. “Conclusion” section proposes further possible topics to study in terms of professional motivation issue.

Keywords: professional motivation, pedagogical motivation, teaching motivating factors, teaching demotivating factors.


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For citation: Sokolova E.V. Motivating and demotivating factors in professional pedagogical practice. CITISE, 2024, no. 2, pp. 64-63.