ISSN 2409-7616

Khozieva I.K., Gobozova A.E., Dzeboeva A.A.


UDC 371


Khozieva I.K.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –; Gobozova A.E.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –; Dzeboeva A.A.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –

North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov

Abstract. The article is devoted to topical issues of developing the speech culture of secondary school students in native literature lessons; substantiating the importance of communication skills related to dialogic communication, speech culture, information literacy; determining the features of the modern information and speech space, which has recently been found quite often in various studies; description of communicative structures of dialogue as a form of communication, verbal art in the modern information and communication society; revealing the relationship between the content of teaching speech culture and the topics studied in native literature, which is a fairly effective means of awakening students’ interest in speech culture. The author sees the main idea of this article in attracting interest in the issues of cultivating a culture of dialogical speech among students, revealing innovative linguodidactic technologies to form a culture of speech in students of secondary schools in the lessons of their native literature, and on their basis – developing the ability to handle educational information, readiness for creative solutions assigned tasks, skills to relate one’s speech to a specific situation of dialogue communication. It is necessary to develop dialogic and monologue oral and written speech of students, improve their speech culture, and thereby bring them to a modern speech level as early as possible. It is important that schoolchildren master the knowledge and skills that are vitally necessary for every person, namely: competent perception, comprehension and transmission of information, improvement of the most important form of verbal communication – oral speech, maintaining a conversation, establishing contact, skillful use of phraseological units, quotes from famous thinkers, heroes of works, etc.

Keywords: communicative competence, information and educational space, dialogical speech culture, speech culture.


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For citation:Khozieva I.K., Gobozova A.E., Dzeboeva A.A. Formation of speech culture of students in native literature lessons. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 635-644. DOI: