Rybakova E.V., Sultanova R.M., Gayazova G.A.
UDC 376.1
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2024.1.44
Rybakova E.V.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – evrybakova19@mail.ru; Sultanova R.M.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – sultanovar@list.ru; Gayazova G.A.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – gulshat_g@bk.ru
1Ufa University of Science and Technology
Abstract. A research group from the Republic of Bashkortostan presents the experience of enriching the subject-development environment of students with disabilities with the means of aesthetic feelings, experiences, impressions and relevant cultural competencies. The authors rely in their work on classical and modern ideas about the essence and organization of the aesthetic component in the activities of students, but consider the problem more deeply, in accordance with modern demands of society and a more systematic understanding of the special educational and personal needs of children with disabilities and children with disabilities, showing higher resource capacity of such an approach both for increasing productivity, the effectiveness of educational employment of the target category of students, and for their psycho-emotional well-being, their creative, project self-actualization. Unfortunately, the views of specialists and heads of educational organizations, parents of students with disabilities about the secondary nature of cultural and aesthetic components in an effective system of targeted psychological and pedagogical support for children periodically increase, reducing the axiological positions of such an essential component of educational employment of participants in the socio-educational process. Therefore, the need for positioning, improvement, and targeted methodologization of aesthetic resources for providing educational systems requires both researchers and practitioners to engage in responsible interaction in this area of cooperation. Employees of the Department of Pedagogy of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education UUNiT, which prepares correctional specialists to work with students who have learning difficulties, based on experience in teaching special disciplines, organizing teaching practice for students, supervisory support for graduates and experienced practitioners, conducting targeted research projects, reveals significant aspects of ensuring aesthetic component of educational employment for students with various manifestations of dysontogenesis: sensory, motor, intellectual disabilities, behavioral disorders, speech dysfunctions. It is significant that the aesthetic component of a special didactic space not only enriches the opportunities to increase the effectiveness of targeted support for children with developmental disabilities, but also ensures savings in strength, time, and efforts of students, whose personal, operational, and analytical resources are usually insufficient.
Keywords: disabilities, special educational needs, aesthetics, diagnostics, correction, development.
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For citation: Rybakova E.V., Sultanova R.M., Gayazova G. A. Aesthetics in special didactics as a developing, motivating resource that favors emotional and volitional well-being. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 504-521. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2024.1.44