ISSN 2409-7616

Benevolenskaya N.P.


UDC 372.881.1


Benevolenskaya N.P.1 (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation) –

1Saint Petersburg State University

Abstract. In the context of the modern world’s globalization, language learning and developing communicative competence in students gain significant importance. The rapid integration of various cultures and the need for effective cross-border communication underscore the urgent need for adaptive educational strategies. As interactions between cultures expand, the ability to communicate effectively becomes a crucial skill for personal and professional success. The purpose of this study is to confirm the effectiveness of the “storytelling” method in Russian as a foreign language lessons in order to improve communication skills and develop Russian-language communicative competence among foreign students. To achieve this goal, the following research methods were used: analysis of scientific and methodological articles published in peer-reviewed journals, as well as the development of special test items to diagnose the level of development of communicative competence. Based on the analysis of the content and component structure of Russian language communicative competence, three criteria with corresponding indicators were identified to ascertain the levels of its formation among foreign students in RFL education. The results of the study confirmed the effectiveness of the teaching methodology, which has important practical significance for the development of education of foreign students in the field of the Russian language and helps to improve the quality of teaching at the university. This research contributes to solving the scientific problem related to forming Russian language communicative competence in foreign students. In our opinion, using the “storytelling” method in RFL classes aids in developing Russian communicative competence among foreign students.

Keywords: foreign students, storytelling, Russian as a foreign language (RFL), Russian-language communicative competence (RLC).


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For citation: Benevolenskaya N.P. The influence of storytelling method on the development of communicative competence of foreign students studying in Russian as a foreign language (RFL). CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 456-464. DOI: