ISSN 2409-7616

Nikolaeva N.N., Lezhneva E.B.


UDC 378.147


Nikolaeva N.N.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –; Lezhneva E.B.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Bauman Moscow State Technical University

Abstract. The paper considers technical students’ attitudes towards digital reading and its difference from traditional print-based reading. The aim consists in establishing and analyzing this difference from the students’ perspective, as well as the factors influencing their choice of digital or print texts. Both the relevance and novelty are determined by still insufficient scientific knowledge of the new digital technologies’ integration into the university educational environment, its participants (n = 222) – first-to-third year students of Russian technical university, as well as by the data obtained.  It allows us to identify both formal and cognitive aspects of these differences. We also formulate some advice on how to use digital reading in learning and teaching. Based on the results of the study, we give some didactic recommendations for developing students’ digital reading skills. The research methodology includes theoretical analysis of scientific and methodological papers. We use questionnaires, pedagogical observation and interviewing, elements of quantitative and statistical analysis, processing, and interpretation of the empirical data. The results demonstrate that the difference between digital and traditional reading has cognitive, situational, discursive, and functional-pragmatic grounds. Students make their practical choice in favor of digital reading, making a clear distinction between reading digital and printed texts. They describe differences between textual linearity and volume, length and brevity, skimming and analytical reading, content scanning and acquisition, mobility and stativity of media, visual and tactile perception, availability of translation, vocabulary, and reference resources. However, they understand the symbiotic interaction between technology and cognition in the modern world. Thus, university teachers need to reorganize the educational material focusing on the digital way of its perception, interpretation, and assimilation.

Keywords: digital reading, traditional reading, academic reading, cognitive skills, reading awareness.


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For citation: Nikolaeva N.N., Lezhneva E.B. Difference between digital and traditional reading: technical university students’ perspective. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 404-424. DOI: