ISSN 2409-7616

Cheng Jian


UDC 37.012


Cheng Jian1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

Moscow Pedagogical State University

Abstract. Russian piano music did not originate on its own, but is closely linked to Russian culture. Russian piano music is undoubtedly not only a part of Russian musical culture, but also a part of Russian culture in general. Russian piano music cannot be truly understood without understanding Russian culture in Russian piano music. Russian piano studies Therefore, from a cultural point of view, a cultural approach to the study of how Russian musicologists and culturologists identify cultural contents hidden in Russian piano music and discover their interrelationships is one of the important topics of Russian piano music as an object of study in musicology and music pedagogy. Russian piano music in the context of Russian culture and the culturological approach to Russian piano music were once a new area of research in the field of Russian musicology in general, and it was for one of the authors of this article – L.A. Rapatskaya. These scientific ideas are embodied to this day in the research of students of her scientific school, which has expanded geographically: along with domestic followers, the number of young foreign researchers studying the rich piano heritage of Russian music has also increased. In this article, the authors considered it advisable to consider genre piano works, their figurative content, and trace the connections of Russian piano music with literature and other types of art based on a culturological approach.

Keywords: Russian piano music, Chinese music school, music theory, cultural approach, musical and historical activity.


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For citation:  Cheng JianMastering Russian piano music by students of the people’s Republic of China: cultural approach. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 334-343. DOI: