ISSN 2409-7616

Dianova Ju.A., Vagaeva O.A., Lixina E.V., Galimullina N.M.


UDC 378.147.88


Dianova Ju.A.1 (Penza, Russian Federation) –; Vagaeva O.A.1 (Penza, Russian Federation) –; Lixina E.V.1 (Penza, Russian Federation) –; Galimullina N.M.2 (Kazan, Russian Federation) –

1Penza State Technological University

2Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev-KAI

Abstract. The article is dedicated to the issue of organizing scientific research of students – would-be engineers. The research contains analysis of documents and statistical data, questioning of 245 Bachelor and Master students in Engineering. During the questioning, the students named the factors which, in their opinion, facilitate scientific research at university: financial support of scientific research (31%); modern infrastructure of scientific laboratories (24%); active organization of scientific research in the university departments (18%); availability of information about scientific activities, including in youth social networks (17%); organization of joint scientific activities with potential employees at university (10%). Preliminary results of the research were taken into account when organizing further scientific activity of students at Penza State Technological University. Thus, the number of employers involved in both creating conditions and setting goals for students’ research activities has increased. During the study period, the number of projects for participation in innovation competitions and forums increased by 33%; the number of grants won as a result of scientific competitions and programs increased by 10%; the share of full-time students who authored scientific publications increased by 15%. The qualitative characteristics of the scientific activities of future engineers are expressed in the topics of the developed projects, the dynamics of the growth of projects-winners of competitions for grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Science Foundation, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, fellows of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation. The results of the questioning, the summarized experience of organizing the students’ research activity at a certain university, and the analysis of the modern Russian and foreign literature enabled to specify the conditions (organizational, resource, psychological-pedagogical, and social-economic) which are necessary to involve the youth into development and implementation of scientific projects.

Keywords: students’ research work, science, publications, grants, projects.


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For citation:  Dianova Ju.A., Vagaeva O.A., Lixina E.V., Galimullina N.M. Organization of students’ research work at a technical university. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 312-323. DOI: