Gaberkorn I.I., Chumak L.V.
UDC 37.018.11
Gaberkorn I.I.1 (Evpatoria, Russian Federation) –; Chumak L.V.2 (Kherson, Russian Federation) –
1Crimean Federal University named after V.I. Vernadsky
2Kherson State Pedagogical University
Abstract. A patriot is a person who loves his fatherland, devoted to his people, ready to make sacrifices and perform feats in the name of the interests of his homeland. The main task of patriotic education is the formation of social experience in the younger generation, the inheritance of the spiritual heritage of the Russian people, the development in them, regardless of the nation, of such features of a citizen of the Russian state as developed spirituality, moral, artistic and aesthetic, legal, labor, and environmental culture. This task should be concretized through a system of educational tasks that are common not only to educational institutions, but also to the entire society as a whole. Patriotic education of the personality of Russian citizens refers to such system-forming factors as the planned, progressive socio-economic and political development of the country. Patriotic education is a long, systematic and careful work of not only various institutions of civil society, but also the family, which is aimed at forming and increasing patriotic consciousness among citizens. This work must be organized and carried out in a comprehensive manner. The family plays a big role in this direction. The article presents the rationale for the role of the family environment as the basis for the education of patriotic feelings in children of primary school age. The necessity of patriotic education of children is revealed. The goals of patriotic education as a component of education in the family are defined. The authors present potential opportunities and directions for instilling patriotic feelings in children.
Keywords: patriotic education, patriotic feelings, family, family traditions, older preschool children.
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For citation: Gaberkorn I.I., Chumak L.V. The family environment as the basis for the education of patriotism and citizenship in older preschool children. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 275-282. DOI: