ISSN 2409-7616

Krivko Y.P., Tishchenko A.A.


UDC 372.851


Krivko Y.P.1 (Lugansk, Russian Federation) –; Tishchenko A.A.1 (Lugansk, Russian Federation) –

1Lugansk State Pedagogical University

Abstract. In the twentieth century, subject Olympiads became the object of close attention of scientists and teachers, which was reflected not only in scientific works, but also on the pages of pedagogical periodicals at various levels. The importance of participation in school subject Olympiads is noted and the general directions of preparing schoolchildren for the Olympiad in mathematics are considered. Teachers need to have a good understanding of elementary and higher mathematics in order to see connections between topics and better prepare students for participation in Olympiads and other mathematical competitions. The article analyzes the coverage of the main issues of organizing and holding All-Union Olympiads in Mathematics on the pages of the Soviet periodical pedagogical publication “Mathematics at School” in the early 70s. XX century The authors examine the features of reflecting both the methodological foundations of organizing school mathematics Olympiads at different levels of their implementation (from local, regional to all-Union), and problematic issues in their implementation within the framework of covering these issues in thematic pedagogical periodicals. An attempt was made to study the features of displaying the problems of the Olympic movement in the Lugansk region (Voroshilovgrad) during the specified period.

Keywords: Olympiad movement, All-Union Mathematical Olympiad, science journal “Mathematics at School”, mathematical thinking, creative abilities.


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For citation: Krivko Y.P., Tishchenko A.A. Organization and holding of school mathematical olympiads in the 70s of the XX century: analysis of current research. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 129-139. DOI: