Goryachih M.V., Karaberov I.V., Mabiala G., Linsky D.V.
UDC 338.433
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2024.1.02
Goryachih M.V.1 (Simferopol, Russian Federation) – goryachih@ieu.cfuv.ru; Karaberov I.V.1 (Simferopol, Russian Federation) – 0768732@gmail.com; Mabiala G.1 (Simferopol, Russian Federation) – gilmabiala@mail.ru; Linsky D.V.1 (Simferopol, Russian Federation) – linskydv@rambler.ru
1V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University
Abstract. The evolution of the fundamental foundations of the study of the structure of the economy, its constituent elements and approaches to the analysis of dynamic changes from the standpoint of the fundamentals of transformation and transformations of the economy are considered. The theoretical foundations of the interpretation of the categories “structuring of the economy”, “structural shifts” and “structural transformation of the economy” are formed. The reasons causing structural changes in the economy, as well as certain structural shifts characteristic of any element of the structure of the economy are identified. The causes and features of dynamic and cyclical fluctuations in the economy, as well as internal and external factors characterizing them, are clarified. In addition, the direction and strength of the influence of cyclical fluctuations of the economy on the transformation of its structure are considered. The essence, causes and functions of structural crises are investigated. Systematized contradictions of structural changes that cause the emergence of structural crises. The most key tasks of the structural transformation of the economy are formed, which consist in: avoiding structural deformations, stimulating efficient and competitive industries, reorganizing outdated and inefficient elements of the economic structure. The formalization of the process of formation and development (structuring) of the structure of the country’s economy has been carried out, considering the cyclical nature of economic development, which made it possible to investigate the prerequisites for the emergence of certain structural shifts, as well as to form a theoretical basis for further forecasting the structural restructuring of the economy.
Keywords: structuring of the economy, structural transformation of the economy, structural crisis, cyclical economic development, economic development, economic growth, market and branch transformations.
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For citation: Goryachih M.V., Karaberov I.V., Mabiala G., Linsky D.V. Fundamentals and methodological aspects of structural transformation and economic development. CITISE, 2024, no. 1, pp. 23-39. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2024.1.02