ISSN 2409-7616

Shlyapina S.F.


UDC 378.046.4


Shlyapina S.F.1 (Tyumen, Russian Federation) –

1Northern Trans-Ural State Agricultural University

Abstract. The article examines the problem of professional destruction. Any professional activity, when carried out for a long time, deforms the professional’s personality. Professional destruction as a type of professional deformation has a destructive impact on the individual and his activities, and not only professional ones. The article pays special attention to such a common type of professional personality destruction as emotional burnout. The author clarifies the definition of emotional burnout, describes the factors that contribute to the occurrence of professional destruction, and the symptoms by which one can suspect a state of emotional burnout. Particular attention is paid to measures to prevent and prevent emotional burnout. Since the routine of professional activity and lack of development in the workplace is one of the factors in the occurrence of professional destruction, one of the preventive measures is regular advanced training and professional development of a specialist. In the article, among measures to prevent emotional burnout, employee training is particularly highlighted. Improving your qualifications allows you to update your professional competencies, increases self-esteem and confidence in your own effectiveness, opens up new opportunities for professional growth and career advancement, helps employees meet professional standards and ethical standards, gives new meaning and purpose to their professional activities, stimulates the creation of supportive and an inspiring environment where employees in the workplace can exchange experiences, ideas and advice. All of the above consequences of advanced training allow you to effectively cope with feelings of helplessness and incompetence, help reduce stress and, ultimately, reduce the risk of emotional burnout.

Keywords: professional activity, professional destruction, emotional burnout, factors of professional burnout, prevention, advanced training.


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For citation: Shlyapina S.F. Emotional burnout in professional activity: factors and prevention measures. CITISE, 2023, no. 4, pp. 468-478. DOI: