Volodin A.A., Illarionova L.P., Payuk A.D.
UDC 378.046.4
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2023.4.22
Volodin A.A.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – voalan@rambler.ru, Illarionova L.P.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – ilp-dok@mail.ru, Payuk A.D.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – novc_rgsu@mail.ru
1Russian State Social University
2Moscow University named after A.S. Griboyedova
Abstract. Many international banking organizations employ economists from different countries with different cultural (ethnocultural, sociocultural, religious, social, professional-educational, professional-subcultural and others) backgrounds, values, patterns of approved behavior, and restrictions. In the system of advanced training for economists working in international financial institutions, one of the main tasks is to ensure the quality of their multidimensional ethnocultural training, which will help these specialists to successfully conduct business negotiations taking into account the interethnic context, overcome ethnocultural barriers, and solve various professional problems in the field international business. The article reveals the role of the culture of interethnic communication of an international economist in his work in the context of the multiethnic and multicultural nature of the modern business sphere, presents the author’s view of the essence and structural components of this culture, and provides a brief description of the professional and personal qualities of an international economist with a high level of formation culture of interethnic communication. The authors of the article state that in the process of developing professional educational programs for advanced training courses for international economists, it is imperative to take into account aspects of improving the culture of interethnic communication of these specialists and their development as a multicultural personality. The article specifies the essence of the concept of “multicultural personality of an international economist.” Particular attention in the content of the article is paid to the characteristics of the theory of cultural relativism, methodological approaches (synergetic, acmeological, anthropological, interdisciplinary, integrative), which form the scientific and theoretical basis for the development and implementation of a professional educational program for advanced training courses for international economists. At the end of the article, the conclusion is drawn: the development of a culture of interethnic communication of an economist in the advanced training system makes it possible to increase the effectiveness of his professional multicultural (international) communication and contributes to the success of work in the international business environment.
Keywords: culture of interethnic communication, international economists, multicultural personality, advanced training courses, system of additional professional education.
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For citation: Volodin A.A., Illarionova L.P., Payuk A.D. Development of the culture of interethnic communication of international economists in the system of professional development: methodological approaches. CITISE, 2023, no. 4, pp. 241-252. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2023.4.22