ISSN 2409-7616

Yarovaya Y.A., Kovshova Yu.N.


UDC 373.3/.5+61+37.0


Yarovaya Y.A.1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) –, Kovshova Yu.N.1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) –

1Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University

Abstract. The article deals with the formation of a healthy lifestyle in the process of learning in a general education organization by including didactic games of appropriate content or form in the elements of the lesson. The analysis of factors negatively affecting the health of the modern generation of schoolchildren, the results of the general state exam and the establishment of a number of cause-and-effect relationships between these data determined the relevance of this study. The article describes the developed author’s approach to the formation of a healthy lifestyle of students using mobile, stationary and combined didactic games in mathematics lessons at the stage of basic general education. The authors use their own terminology to justify and describe the expediency of using such games. There are several author’s didactic games illustrating each of the described types: stationary, mobile and combined. The authors show some scenarios and examples of tasks. The article describes the games previously created by the authors, filled with new content (“The Wise Octopus”, “Word or Deed”, and new scenarios and tasks were used. There are results and analysis of the approbation of the presented games in mathematics lessons in grades 5-8 of a general education organization. The paper shows the fragments of the scientific and methodological work experience with the students of the pedagogical University in this direction. The article notes that, in general, the experience turned out to be positive, therefore, according to the authors, it is advisable to continue the development and application of health-saving didactic games in mathematics lessons. Basing on the results of the study, the authors write about a several promising options for further research on the problem of gamification of the process of teaching mathematics, taking into account the health of the modern generation of schoolchildren.

Keywords: gamification, didactic game, teaching mathematics, healthy lifestyle, health care.


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For citation: Yarovaya Y.A., Kovshova Yu.N. Formation of a healthy lifestyle of primary school students through the use of gamification elements. CITISE, 2023, no. 4, pp. 209-224. DOI: