ISSN 2409-7616

Tsallagova Z.B., Dzhioeva G.K.


UDC 371


Tsallagova Z.B.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –, Dzhioeva G.K.2 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –

1Institute of Anthropology and ethnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences

2North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova

Abstract. The article is devoted to the peculiarities of family upbringing as the most important factor in the formation of a child’s personality in the conditions of modern global social transformations; a brief analysis of family upbringing styles is given, including: authoritarian, liberal and democratic upbringing styles. The article examines family education in accordance with modern trends in the development of the family institution, transformations of parenting styles, changes in parent-child relationships, etc. In any society, family education is characterized by certain values and priorities, since each family has its own educational potential, including material, national, psychological, pedagogical, spiritual, emotional capabilities and acts as a determining factor in the formation of the individual qualities of the child’s personality. The authors of the article substantiate the thesis that numerous transformations carried out in modern society have had an ambiguous impact on the family and have led to profound changes in its life: the role of the family as the main social institution of education has decreased; there was a sharp differentiation in the incomes of citizens, which led to noticeable impoverishment of some families; there is disorganization of family life due to increased instability of marriages; There is a decline in the established norms and rules of behavior that regulate the moral, ethical and spiritual values of society. By its nature, family upbringing is more emotionally intense than any other type of upbringing, because the “generators” of family upbringing are mother’s love for children and father’s care and protection, which evoke reciprocal feelings in children for their parents. This allows you to timely correct his behavior, activate positive principles and inhibit negative manifestations.

Keywords: family, family education, family education styles, formation of a child’s personality, child-parent relationships.


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For citation: Tsallagova Z.B., Dzhioeva G.Kh. Family education as an important factor in personality formation. CITISE, 2023, no. 4, pp. 179-186. DOI: