ISSN 2409-7616

Gogitsaeva O.U.


UDC 378


Gogitsaeva O.U.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –

1North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova

Abstract. The article is devoted to the problem of interaction between teachers and students in the electronic educational environment. Today, the main reason for the development and expansion of distance and e-learning services is the widespread use of the Internet and increasingly wide access to the latest technologies. with the introduction of requirements for the application of distance education technologies and e-learning, the rethinking and updating of educational practices in higher education institutions becomes an inevitable and natural process. In order to improve the quality of education, many higher education institutions include various distance education opportunities in their training program. In large universities of the world this trend is quite common. The use of distance technologies in modern education is also a priority phenomenon in increasing competitiveness in the international educational market. Today, in any educational context, it is possible to use many different technologies and forms of distance learning, both within an educational institution and in the framework of remote access learning. Access to distance learning services is currently provided by a virtual learning environment. This environment may include technologies that enable collaboration and interactivity between students, parents and educators. Such technologies are aimed at eliminating barriers in education and increasing the degree of interaction between individual students, their classmates and the content of the educational process. Distance learning involves the interaction of real subjects of education in a virtual environment with the help of special means of communication. The specifics of the interaction environment and the peculiarities of the organization of educational information in the absence of direct contact between the student and the teacher determine the psychological and pedagogical features of distance learning.

Keywords: distance learning; virtual environment; interpersonal communication in distance learning; pedagogical technologies of distance learning; organization of information in distance learning.


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For citation: Gogitsaeva O.U. Psychological and pedagogical conditions of interactive interaction between teachers and students in an electronic educational environment. CITISE, 2023, no. 4, pp. 167-178. DOI: