Dzhioeva G.K., Tsallagova Z.B.
UDC 378
Dzhioeva G.K.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –, Tsallagova Z.B.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –
1North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova
2Institute of Anthropology and Ethnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract. The article is devoted to identifying the specific features of the thinking of Internet-addicted teenagers, for whom the indicators of clip thinking come to the fore as a modern cognitive property in the digital educational space, in conditions of information overload, and innovative educational technologies. The article reveals the features of the influence of Internet addiction, as one of the forms of manifestation of deviant, dependent behavior, on the social situation of the development of adolescents, which is considered as a set of social conditions created by an educational organization and determined by the social position they occupy. The authors of the article identified such characteristics as fluency, subjectivity of attitude to information, fragmentation, stereotyping, fragmentation and stereotyped thinking that are prevalent among Internet-addicted adolescents, while their personally significant universal qualities decrease: the level of emotional and personal development; the ability to assert oneself and perform various social roles; awareness of the teenager’s own social position and his relationships with the outside world, etc. The social significance of pedagogical work aimed at reducing the intensity of use of Internet resources in order to prevent mental and behavioral disorders in the younger generation has recently become the object of study in the pedagogical, psychological, and sociological scientific fields. In modern conditions, it is unacceptable to completely isolate teenagers from the Internet, since digital isolation can lead to undesirable psychological consequences (social deprivation), and in the educational process today there is a need for daily use of Internet resources, but the task of teachers, psychologists, and parents is to minimize their negative influence on mental, physical, physiological health, on the social situation of the development of children and adolescents.
Keywords: Internet addiction of adolescents, social situation of development of clip thinking, Internet resources, digital technologies.
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For citation: Dzhioeva G.K., Tsallagova Z.B. Influence of internet addiction of teenagers on the social situation of their development. CITISE, 2023, no. 4, pp. 147-154. DOI: