Pavlova I.V., Potapov A.A.
UDC 377.131.14
Pavlova I.V.1 (Kazan Russian Federation) –, Potapov A.A.2 (Kazan Russian Federation) –
1Kazan National Research Technological University
2Kazan State Power Engineering University
Abstract. Ensuring the technological sovereignty of the Russian Federation requires the presence of modern specialists with competencies that allow them to effectively solve production problems of various types. In modern production activities, a specialist often has to deal with tasks characterized by a high degree of uncertainty and risk, as well as with limited or redundant data. Therefore, the training of a modern specialist should include the development of his creative potential necessary to successfully solve such complex problems. One of the innovative methods of increasing interest and motivation to learn among students is gamification. The article describes a study to confirm the effectiveness of using gamification in the framework of teaching the discipline “Chemistry” at the Kazan Technological College of the Kazan National Research Technological University. For the experiment, we developed a new unusual periodic table. The essence of this table is that it repeats the classic table, but initially consists of empty cells, when clicked on, funny “Memes” pictures appear. And this is why the competition game is called “Memdeleev’s table”. During the game, which consists of 6 stages, students, answering questions and completing tasks, must open as many cells of the table as possible. During classes using the gamification method, students received feedback through funny pictures, which diluted the atmosphere of the lecture with positive aspects. A subsequent oral survey showed that, as a result of the feedback, most students had a feeling of confidence and their work in the seminar was more active compared to traditional classes. As a subsequent survey showed, the results of using gamification and its elements were an increase in the involvement, interest and motivation of college students in studying the discipline “Chemistry”.
Keywords: gamification, professional education, innovation development, chemistry education, increased motivation and interest.
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For citation: Pavlova I.V., Potapov A.A. Gamification as a means of learning in professional education. CITISE, 2023, no. 4, pp. 117-125. DOI: