ISSN 2409-7616

Krishtopa A.N., Grebennikova V.M., Nikitina N.I., Volodin A.A.


UDC 37.012


Krishtopa A.N.1 (Krasnodar, Russia Federation) –, Grebennikova V.M.1 (Krasnodar, Russia Federation) –, Nikitina N.I.2 (Moscow, Russia Federation) –, Volodin A.A.2 (Moscow, Russia Federation) –   

1Kuban State University

2Russian State Social University

Abstract. Professional metacompetence plays an important role in the success of a teacher’s work activity, ensures the achievement of high results and the quality of the teaching and educational process. The article discusses variable approaches to revealing the essence of the concept of “professional meta-competence of a teacher”; the role of this competence in solving didactic problems in the context of the implementation of the federal state educational standard of secondary (complete) general education is considered, the author’s view on the essence and structural components of the competence in question is presented. The authors of the article state that in its content-structural composition, a teacher’s professional metacompetence includes: developed skills of self-reflection, introspection, self-regulation of teaching activities, as well as the teacher’s ability and readiness for the integrated (synergetic), creative application of systemic multidisciplinary knowledge, skills, variable competencies, existing basic experience of teaching activities in the realities of life in a general education organization. The article concretizes the essence of the implementation of integrative, system-activity, epistemic, cognitive-communicative approaches to the process of forming professional metacompetence of future teachers at a university. Particular attention in the content of the article is paid to the characteristics of pedagogical techniques that can be used in the educational space of a university to implement the above listed methodological approaches. In conclusion, the article concludes: the formation at a university of the foundations of a future teacher’s professional metacompetence ensures that a university graduate develops the ability and readiness to solve real professional problems of teaching, flexibility of thinking, the ability to critically analyze, verify information, apply acquired transscientific (multidisciplinary) knowledge, and metacognitive skills in various situations of their life, adapt their individual communication style to the context of the communication situation.

Keyword: methodological approach, professional meta-competence of a teacher, professional education of a future teacher, integrative approach, system-activity approach, epistemic approach, cognitive-communicative approach.


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For citation: Krishtopa A.N., Grebennikova V.M., Nikitina N.I., Volodin A.A. Methodological approaches to the process of developing professional metacompetence of future teachers at a university. CITISE, 2023, no. 4, pp. 96-107. DOI: