Varzhavin A.A.
UDC 37.022
Varzhavin A.A.1 ( Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) –
1Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University
Abstract. As part of our dissertation research, we identified the problem of developing the reflective and predictive skills of a future teacher in the digital educational environment of a university. The emergence of this problem is justified by modern requirements for teachers and their professional activities. Since the introduction of national projects in Russia, there has been a change in mechanisms, methods, and approaches to organizing educational activities in conditions of digitalization of society and education. Related reflective and predictive skills are among the key ones in the professional activities of teachers and cover a significant range of tasks that need to be solved using these skills. Therefore, the training of future teachers in the university’s digital educational environment in these skills is designed to bring the teaching profession to an innovative level, to help realize one’s “I” in teaching activities. When defining such a topic for dissertation research, we first start from its terminology. Therefore, in this article, we present the conceptual and terminological field of the problem of developing reflective and predictive skills of future teachers in the digital technology educational environment of the university. The article presents the need to develop reflective-prognostic skills in future teachers, and also outlines the use of these skills in the professional activities of the future teacher, provides a statement of the research problem, that is, we define the goal, the conditions for achieving it, as well as the methodological basis on which we base our research. The article describes the process of selecting and constructing a system of definitions that form the conceptual and terminological field of the research problem. The article presents a conceptual field diagram of the research problem, for each element of which the corresponding definitions of concepts are given.
Keywords: higher education, reflective skills, predictive skills, digital educational environment, future teachers.
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For citation: Varzhavin A.A. Conceptual and terminological field of the problem of forming reflective-prognostic skills of future teachers in the digital educational environment of the university. CITISE, 2023, no. 4, pp. 78-87. DOI: