Ambalova S.A., Ogoev A.U.
UDC 371
Ambalova S.A.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –, Ogoev A.U.1 (Vladikavkaz, Russian Federation) –
1North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurova
Abstract. One of the factors for the successful development of any institution, including an educational organization, is the leadership abilities of the manager, his professional competence, social mobility, etc. For the head of an educational organization, pedagogical knowledge alone is not enough; it is also necessary to possess leadership qualities, such as the ability to motivate, communicative competence, and the ability to resolve conflict situations. It is also important that the manager has the leadership potential to determine which mechanisms and means of motivating employees are most rational for achieving goals. The choice of the topic under consideration is determined by the following factors: the development of the needs and demands of society in high-quality education, which requires the head of an educational institution to organize a high-quality and effective educational process, and this is associated with high leadership competence; deterioration in the quality of education due to insufficient training of heads of educational institutions who do not have sufficient leadership skills to manage the educational process; active development of technologies that require the head of an educational institution to have a high level of competence in the field of information technology management; increasing competition between educational institutions and the need to manage resources, which requires the head of an educational institution to have a high level of leadership competence to effectively manage his team and resources. As an analysis of numerous studies shows, the influence of leadership competence on the educational process of an educational organization is significant, but with the right choice of forms and means of its successful implementation. Studying the psychological characteristics of the leadership competence of the head of an educational institution is important for improving the quality of education and improving the professional level of heads of educational institutions. In this regard, the main goal of this study is to substantiate the role of leadership competence as a significant factor in the successful management of an educational organization.
Keywords: leadership, management of an educational organization, psychological and pedagogical features, effectiveness of leadership competence, motivation.
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For citation: Ambalova S.A., Ogoev A.U. Leadership competence as a factor of successful management of an educational organization. CITISE. 2023. no. 4. pp. 25-32. DOI: