ISSN 2409-7616

Vinichenko V.A.


UDC 378.147.88


Vinichenko V.A.1 (Yakutsk, Russian Federation) –

1North-Eastern Federal University

Abstract. Project development is one of the main skills of the bachelor of advertising and public relations, which is reflected in the federal state educational standard. Experience of the student’s project activity is especially important when looking for a job. Employers in general will show interest in the employee who take part in or independently developed scientific or social projects in the years of study. In this case, such employees could carry important projects for their career. The improvement of project competence, which belongs to the kind of professional competences, is carried out throughout the years of learning academic disciplines on the basis of a competency approach. Students design and create relevant and interesting advertising and PR-projects related to the solution of various social problems. The aim of the work is to present competency-oriented tasks aimed at developing the project competence of bachelors in advertising and public relations in the study of the subject «Intercultural communication in the Arctic region». The main methods of the study were analysis, comparison and synthesis of special literature. The results of the study can be used in the training of students or in the teaching and methodical work of tutors. The novelty of the work is that for the first time an attempt was made to develop competency-oriented tasks in the direction of preparation 42.03.01. «Advertising and public relations», contributing to the development of PK-2 project competence, aimed at solving problems in interethnic communication. Increasing the level of development of project competence by students is possible when introducing competency-oriented tasks when learning field of various communications. 

Keywords: bachelor, design competence; professional competences, competence-oriented tasks, advertising and public relations, intercultural communication.


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For citation: Vinichenko V.A. Competence-oriented tasks in the formation of project competence of bachelers in advertising and public relations. CITISE, 2023, no. 3, pp. 522-533. DOI: