Pugacheva S.A.
UDC 378.16
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2023.3.43
Pugacheva S.A.1 (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation) – pugacheva.7575@mail.ru
1Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
Abstract. The system of higher professional education of the XXI century is focused on the socio-cultural development of personality in the information environment, training of highly educated, competent specialists who know the techniques and methods of independent search and selection of necessary information. The article focuses on a set of pedagogical conditions in the process of self-education as a part of the system of continuous education. The increasing role of self-education in connection with the use of productive teaching methods is noted. The article presents the change of education model from “teaching” – “a person is taught” to self-education “self-directed education”. The author analyses the works of Russian and foreign scientists and teachers on the issue of organisation and means of increasing the effectiveness of independent work of students. The author presents his own definition of “independent work” based on andragogical and humanitarian-anthropological principles. The programme for a special course in a foreign language for self-training of students is developed. This special course includes practical lessons, methodical recommendations for cadets to activate their self-educational activity. The main task of the special course is to form the ability to independently master knowledge, master the skills of self-control and reflection.
Keywords: Independence, andragogical educational environment, humanitarian-anthropological approach, independent work, organisation of independent activity, activation of self-education, information and educational resources, individual trajectory.
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For citation: Pugacheva S.A. Independent work as a factor of formation of students’ self-education skills. CITISE, 2023, no. 3, pp. 515-521. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2023.3.43