ISSN 2409-7616

Kurmanova A.M., Yusupalieva L.N., Berdieva N.N.


UDC 372.881.161.1


Kurmanova A.M.1 (Astrakhan, Russian Federation) –, Yusupalieva L.N.1 (Astrakhan, Russian Federation) –, Berdieva N.N.1 (Astrakhan, Russian Federation) –

1Astrakhan State Medical University

Abstract. The article discusses the problem of teaching the language of the specialty of students of the 3rd year of the direction “Medical work” in cyclical classes in the Russian language as a foreign language (hereinafter – RFL). The purpose of the study ̶ to consider how to implement training in the language of professional communication in RFL classes. The relevance of the study is due to the educational need of foreign students in the development of communicative competence in the professional field. Particular attention is paid to the scientific style of speech, which occupies an important place in the process of teaching RFLs at a medical university in high school. The main content of the study is aimed at presenting annotation as one of the important types of work with a text of a scientific nature. The methodology of the work includes the analysis of scientific texts on medicine. This aspect describes the essence of the methodology for working with professional articles. This technology of working with scientific text helps foreign students to correctly draw up and draw up an annotation to the text: correctly determine bibliographic data, highlight the main information, formulate conclusions, learn the methods of using language clichés, express their attitude to what they read. The article sets out examples of exercises that contribute to the formation of analytical skills when working with text material of a scientific nature. The idea is based that annotation of scientific texts is an effective way to master the language of the specialty. In conclusion, the authors also provide a model for working with a scientific article, which includes tasks for developing skills and skills in working with text related to the scientific style of speech.

Keywords: Russian as a foreign language, scientific style of speech, annotation, scientific article.


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For citation: Kurmanova A.M., Yusupalieva L.N., Berdieva N.N. Implementation of training in the language of specialty at the medical university in the lessons of Russian as a foreign language (using scientific text annotation training as an example). CITISE, 2023, no. 3, pp. 497-504. DOI: