Khismatulina N.V.
UDC 378.16
Khismatulina N.V.1 (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation) –
1Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia
Abstract. The article is devoted to the examination of the aims of professionally oriented foreign language training of future forensic experts, which correspond to the provisions of the competence approach, officially fixed in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education as a methodological basis for the realisation of the educational process. The article points out that, according to the standard, the discipline “Foreign Language” is aimed at the formation of only one universal competence UC-4 “Communication”. The author underlines the existence of concerns on the part of specialists about such a separation of the human integrity into components – knowledge, skills, abilities, competences, which, being in the area of responsibility of particular academic subjects, are developed separately, therefore, can not always be synthesised into a personal integrity “at the final output”. The author attempts to consider the implementation of communicative competence and its intercultural component in didactic materials of teaching and methodical support of professionally oriented foreign language training of future forensic experts from the point of view of humanisation and humanitarisation of education. In this regard, the communicative competence is interpreted as a component not only of the future professional competence of the graduate, but also of personal growth and development of the learner’s human potential.
Keywords: teaching and methodical support, professionally oriented foreign language training, competence approach, universal competence, intercultural communication, foreign language interaction, forensic experts.
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For citation: Khismatulina N.V. Realisation of competence approach aims in pedagogical designing of teaching and methodical support of professionally oriented foreign language training of future forensic experts. CITISE, 2023, no. 3, pp. 461-470. DOI: