ISSN 2409-7616

Krasilnikova T.V.


UDC 378.4:339.137.22


Krasilnikova T.V.1 (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation) –

1Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University

Abstract. The main vector of changes in the educational space is aimed at achieving the educational sovereignty of Russia. The projects being implemented affect not only higher education, but also the field of training of workers, additional education. That is intended to eliminate the imbalance of labour resources, to ensure the potential for growth of technological sovereignty. At the same time, educational organizations at all levels should ensure competitiveness at the regional and national levels, within the framework of inter-state cooperation on education. Competition among universities, in fact, is a struggle for resources in the conditions of the challenges of the economy, demography, society. The ongoing changes in the external environment have both direct and indirect effects on the behaviour of the subject of educational competition. The conflicting nature of competition in the educational space is not only in not eliminating «contradictions» between the importance of education for society, not evident prospects for the university itself in the implementation of individual educational programs, and existence of a large number of education regulators. But also by the very market essence of competitive relations unfolding in the system of the optimum value of the product (service) desired by the consumer at the best price. Few regional universities have a full marketing policy, limited to formal media activities. Monitoring of competitive environment and adequate assessment of own competitive position, positions of nearest and distant competitors are informational basis of marketing strategy of the university, oriented on retention and growth of competitive advantages. The aim of the study is to substantiate and test the model of monitoring competitive positions of universities. For solving problems of building informational, relevant marketing tools of the university, focused on competitive management of the university in a unique and complex competitive environment of education. The methodology of the study includes theoretical and methodological analysis of domestic and foreign publications on the identified issues. Proposed monitoring structure, which has a wide range of application by educational organizations. The competitive positions of Siberian universities implementing bachelor’s programs in the direction of advertising education have been analyzed.

Keywords: competition, advertising education, higher education, competition research, competitive positions of universities.


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For citation: Krasilnikova T.V. Competitive positions of universities of the Siberian federal district (on the example of advertising education). CITISE, 2023, no. 3, pp. 351-365. DOI: