Evseev V.O.
UDC 330.16
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2023.3.20
Evseev V.O.1,2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – manrus@mail.ru
2Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Abstract. Presentation of the problem. The purpose of this work is to show that for each type of ideology of economic management, the tools of state selection form the corresponding characteristics of the population and its own system of production relations associated with the dominant rights to life support resources. In the presented work, the regulatory function of the population depends on a combination of its three components: emotional, cognitive and active, which can be under the control of both the state and influence groups. An index of the selection process and an algorithm for its determination are proposed. Methodology. On the basis of Excel, a simulation model was developed with a modeling period of forty-eight weeks. The ideologies of economic management were set through the choice of certain parameters of the input data, which were implemented as control actions. The model included criteria for self-organization, in case of violation of the criteria / standards of life support, the population returned previously alienated assets. The alienation of assets is related to the level of the regulatory function of the population. For the entire modeling period, the Selection Process Index is calculated, which in turn is divided into eight event phenomena, from prosperity to genocide. For each event phenomenon, the statistics of their occurrences are calculated. The user, who is also the leader of the country, regulating socio-economic indicators, conducts a selection policy with the characteristics of his population. Outcomes. According to the developed and implemented algorithm, the indicators of the Index of the selection process with positive and negative selection were obtained. The data (graphs, histograms) obtained as a result of experiments on the developed model are presented. In the conclusions, it is proposed to make the Selection Process Index dominant, both in the system of state reporting and in the regulatory system
Keywords: modeling, selection, ideology of economic management, regulatory function, characteristics of the population, Excel.
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For citation: Evseev V.O. Modeling the influence of economic ideology management on the index of the selection process. CITISE, 2023, no. 3, pp. 234-250. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2023.3.20