ISSN 2409-7616

Agapova E.G., Kondratiev A.A.


UDC 338.46:519.23


Agapova E.G.1 (Khabarovsk, Russian Federation) –, Kondratiev A.A.1 (Khabarovsk, Russian Federation) –

1Pacific National University

Abstract. At present, the issues of studying socio-economic development indicators are topical and determine a number of factors affecting the economic development of both the district and the country as a whole. The quality of data processing and the construction of reliable forecasts are of great importance in managing the socio-economic development of the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District. The key conditions for the reliability of forecasts are the adequacy of the tools used in relation to the problem under study and the availability of the necessary initial statistical data. On the basis of the forecasts, the choice of priorities for the development of the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District, as subjects of the Russian Federation, is made. Mathematical and statistical forecasting tools allow taking into account the contribution of socio-economic processes, such as demographic, state of natural resources, scientific and technical potential, social structure of the population, etc. The article investigates the dependence of the main indicators of socio-economic processes on the indicators of the economic crisis. Among the indicators of socio-economic processes are considered indicators of prices, construction, demography, employment and unemployment, etc. Regression models based on the data of the socio-economic situation of Russia, Far Eastern Federal District on the basis of mathematical and statistical analysis were investigated. Multivariate statistical analysis, cluster analysis, correlation and regression analyses were conducted during the study. The built regression models allow to take into account the significant indicators for improvement in the crisis situation. In addition, regression models make it possible to predict the economic state according to the main indicators of socio-economic processes. According to the results of the research, we received that the contribution of the Moscow Stock Exchange Index, as a criterion of economic crisis, is mainly highlighted.

Keywords: linear multiple model, regression analysis, crisis indicators, regions of the Far Eastern Federal District.


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For citation: Agapova E.G., Kondratyev A.A. Dynamics of the level of socio-economic indicators of the Far Eastern Federal District of the Russian Federation for 2011-2021 years. CITISE, 2023, no. 3, pp. 117-126. DOI: