ISSN 2409-7616

Antonova E.M.


UDC 378:614.2


Antonova E.M.1 (Astrakhan, Russian Federation) –

1Astrakhan State Medical University

Abstract. The article deals with the application of information technology in solving situational tasks in medical school. In the study, we considered it important to find out the goals of teaching medical informatics to medical students and their relevance in time, to identify the most effective methods of training future doctors in medical informatics, as well as justify the relevance of practice-oriented learning in medical school. It is marked, that one of the priority methods of practice-oriented teaching in medical higher education institution is the situational approach, in the framework of which the task, task, situation, modeling future practical activity of a doctor is a concrete situation or clinical case, requiring from a student to apply knowledge and make reasonable decisions. The implementation of situational approach in medical informatics training should be harmoniously combined with traditional didactic principles, in particular with the principle of professional orientation. It was revealed that the active development and implementation of medical information systems (MIS) in medical institutions, the mobility of students require flexible educational system and increased adaptability of future graduates to the constantly changing demands of the labor market and the realities of medical practice. It is noted that the introduction of information technologies in active learning will make it possible to bring training situational tasks closer to the real conditions of a doctor’s professional activity. The article gives examples of situational tasks using information technologies. The conclusion is made that the solution of practically significant tasks simulating the future professional activity of a doctor, performed with the help of medical informatics knowledge, will make it possible to acquire the necessary skills for further professional activity.

Keywords: medical informatics, teaching medical students.


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For citation:  Antonova E.M. Medical informatics: impact of time, problems and possible solutions. CITISE, 2023, no. 3, pp. 18-27. DOI: