ISSN 2409-7616

Bocharova T.A.


УДК 378:004.94


Bocharova T.A.1 (Khabarovsk, Russian Federation) –

1Pacific State University

Abstract. The introduction of specialized education at the senior level of school has led to the fact that already at the end of the eighth grade, before choosing the specialized OGE, which determine the further track of education in the final grades, students must decide on the choice of their future profession. The factors that determine this choice are often the social status of the family, abilities, remoteness of the university, the presence of additional pre-university training, which is quite enough to determine the direction of study and not enough to form motivation for further professional implementation. This state of affairs leads to the fact that by the time of graduation from a higher educational institution, almost a third of graduates lose interest in their chosen specialty and are not employed in the field of study. An analysis of the motivational factors for choosing a future profession can help determine the level of interest among students in working in their specialty or in related fields. The article is devoted to solving the problem of classifying the social types of students within the framework of professional orientation. The cluster modeling procedure was applied to identify the factors that have the greatest impact on the professional self-determination of students of the Institute of Socio-Political Technologies and Communications of the Pacific State University. The solution is presented as a model of three clusters, built on the basis of a formalized model that includes seven features of the input elements. As a data processing tool, an artificial neural network of the Kohonen self-organizing map type was chosen, which has the maximum clarity of data presentation. The proposed description of the model can serve as an additional decision support tool in the organization of the educational process, as well as career guidance work at the university. The use of the resulting cluster model as an effective tool for assessing the professional motivation of the student community will improve the employment rates of graduates in their specialty or in related fields.

Keywords: career guidance, professional self-determination, modeling, cluster analysis, Kohonen self-organizing maps.


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For citation: Bocharova T.A. Modeling student clusters on the basis of self-organizing Kohonen charts. CITISE, 2023, no. 2, pp. 431-441. DOI: