Burganov R.A.
UDC 330.101:330.16
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2023.2.11
Burganov R.A.1 (Kazan, Russian Federation) – burganov-r@mail.ru
1Kazan State Power Engineering University
Abstract. Problems in the formation and development of a sustainable economy, of which sustainable energy is an integral part, is the object of many foreign and domestic researchers. Despite this, certain aspects of the implementation of the principles of sustainable energy are subject to deeper study. This paper discusses some methodological aspects of the study of the place and role of households in ensuring the development of sustainable energy. In a systematic form, the directions of household participation in the development of sustainable energy are proposed, including the participation of households in energy generation, primary and secondary (re) energy consumption, etc. Each direction of household participation in sustainable energy depends on many factors, which can be divided into external (primary and secondary) and internal (primary and auxiliary) factors. Methods for measuring (the volume of generated energy in the household, the volume of secondary (re) consumption of generated energy, indicators of energy efficiency and decarbonization – residential building (houses); ventilation systems, etc.) of the contributions of household participation in the development of sustainable energy are highlighted separately. Attention is drawn to the role and importance of technological infrastructure, in which the use of nature-like technologies or the formation of a market for low-carbon consumer goods plays a special role. Nature-like technologies have little effect on the natural environment, which is very important in modern conditions for solving problems in the environmental sphere. According to the author, the potential of households in the implementation of the principles of sustainable energy must be taken into account in the state policy. At the same time, the transition to sustainable energy, as well as the challenges that stand in its way, must take into account the needs and capabilities of households.
Keywords: sustainable energy, households, external factors, internal factors, energy saving, nature-like technologies.
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For citation: Burganov R.A. Sustainable energy from a household perspective. CITISE, 2023, no. 2, pp. 133-141. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2023.2.11