Zarovnyaev B.N., Shubin G.V.
UDC 378. 147
Zarovnyaev B.N.1 (Yakutsk, Russian Federation) –, Shubin G.V.1 (Yakutsk, Russian Federation) –
1North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk
Abstract. The paper presents the results of work to improve the innovative level of the special issue of the diploma project in mining specialties. The practice of end-to-end elaboration of the subject of a special issue is proposed, including industrial practices, participation in scientific seminars, conferences, which significantly increased the creative activity of students and made it possible to achieve an innovative solution to the special part of the graduation project.Under the conditions of complication of mining and geological conditions of field development, as well as permafrost and hydrogeological conditions, it is necessary to train creatively active mining specialists who are able to solve non-standard problems in production that arise during the development of deposits with complex mining and geological conditions occurring in the permafrost zone. Since the curriculum does not provide for the amount of hours for setting and solving a special issue of a graduation project, the practice of end-to-end solution of a special issue of a graduation project has been implemented starting from the 3rd year from the discipline to increase the creative activity of students, industrial practices, scientific seminars and conferences, protection of intellectual property with access to protection graduation project in the 6th year.According to the developed scheme, a set of activities begins with the study of the discipline Fundamentals of technical creativity in the 3rd year with modules for studying barriers to solving technical problems, methods and techniques for solving technical problems. Further, the student, in the process of passing industrial practice, chooses as a special issue of practice one of the processes of open pit mining, or another technological issue of open pit mining, taking into account the specifics of mining, prepares a report at a seminar, takes part in conferences of various levels, if the technical solution is patentable, protects intellectual property and is further developed as a special part of the graduation project. According to this scheme, one graduation project is defended in 2022, the second graduation project is being prepared for defense in 2024.
Keywords: training of mining engineers, methodology, diploma design, special question, creative activity, professional level.
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For citation: Zarovnyaev B.N., Shubin G.V. Diploma design with elements of technical creativity as a factor in improving the professional level of training of mining engineers. CITISE, 2023, no. 1, pp. 481-491. DOI: