Likhacheva O.N., Tymchuk E.V.
УДК 378
Likhacheva O.N.1 (Krasnodar, Russian Federation) –, Tymchuk E.V.2 (Krasnodar, Russian Federation) –
1IMSIT Academy
2Kuban State Technological University
Abstract. Modern Russian society has been significantly transformed over the past few decades, and we note that some changes have affected fundamental values, or rather, they have been partially or completely excluded from life in the modern context. Respect for elders has disappeared, etiquette norms are no longer decisive, the Russian language is littered with unnecessary borrowings that lead to a decrease in the status of the state language, the majority of young people have lost their desire to learn, patriotic self-consciousness has turned into a rudiment, and instead of eternal values, European ones have come, causing alertness and bewilderment. For a certain number of years, we were told that everything that is ours is subject to harsh criticism, and everything Western, of course, is of high quality, necessary and effective. A whole generation of young people has grown up, which is deprived of a sense of patriotism, pride in their country. In this context, the upbringing of a patriotic spirit and self-awareness is vital if we want to preserve our identity, culture, language, understand history correctly, have an active life position in the present and subsequently avoid mistakes that can cost future generations dearly. The relevance of the work lies in the urgent need for the formation of patriotic self-consciousness, including by means of a foreign language in modern realities. The subject of the research is the patriotic education of schoolchildren at the present stage. The object of the study is the English language and its potential for the education of patriotism in a modern school. The work can be recommended to teachers of foreign languages, graduate students, students of pedagogical areas and all specialists interested in patriotic education.
Keywords: education, patriotic self-consciousness, development, regional component, country studies, Russian realities, citizenship.
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For citation: Likhacheva O.N., Tymchuk E.V. Education of patriotic self-consciousness in foreign language classes. CITISE, 2023, no. 1, pp. 471-480. DOI: