Voronov E.Yu.
UDC 371.31:614.2
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2023.1.34
Voronov E.Yu.1 (Astrakhan, Russian Federation) – foron789@yandex.ru
1Astrakhan State Medical University
Abstract. The quality of education is the key concept of training specialists in any industry, including medicine, which is due to the direct relationship with the competitiveness of university graduates. Obviously, for this reason, many studies have been devoted to the problem of developing the conceptual apparatus, developing the systems for assessing the quality of education and its practical implementation. However, to date, there is no common understanding of the “quality of education”, the existing quality assessment systems are focused on compliance with the state educational standards. To solve the problems of education quality, we considered it expedient to use the opportunity to create a dynamic model of education quality system within the university based on the system analysis. This approach allowed, firstly, to consider the quality of education as a system consisting of input and output data, subsystems and processes. Secondly, to reveal cause-and-effect relations between the factors influencing the quality of education and, thirdly, to build retrospective and prognostic models of medical education quality dynamics. It has been revealed that the quality of medical education is a function of the dependence of many variables. It was found that the quality of medical education is a function of the dependence of many variables, the most significant influence on the quality of education have indicators of tenure of the teaching staff, the level of their satisfaction with the social support of the employer. The authors propose to implement the developed dynamic model of education quality system in the university in the form of situational center based on objective data analysis, visual presentation of obtained results.
Keywords: quality of medical education, system analysis, dynamic model.
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For citation: Voronov E.Yu. Quality assurance of medical personnel training: a systematic approach. CITISE, 2023, no. 1, pp. 405-412. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2023.1.34