Vinichenko V.A.
UDC 378.147.88
Vinichenko V.A.1 (Yakutsk, Russian Federation) –
1North-Eastern Federal University
Abstract. Growth of general and professional competencies of bachelors in advertising and public relations is relevant nowadays due to specific requirements of employers and tendencies of socio-economic development that aimed at improving the quality of life of the Russian population. The competence approach in the system of higher education provide high quality learning of students, the competitiveness of which in the labour market depends on their skills and the soundness of specific knowledge. Practical training in the educational program is aimed to improve these competencies among students and contributes to the successful implementation of students in the chosen specialization. Goal of the article is presenting the features of development general and professional competences among students during their internship in the specialization 42.01.03. «Advertising and Public Relations», while noting that it’s not always possible to give all specific knowledge for the competencies. In this situation, in order to achieve significant results in the buildout of the students’ competences, the author offers to use competency-oriented tasks with freely designed response. The study used theoretical (study of literary sources, analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction) and empirical methods (analysis of reports of students apprenticeship, observation, conversation, etc.). The article uses a competency-based approach. The article reflects the essence of the concepts of «competence», «professional competence», «competency-oriented task». It reveals the content of the main tasks, stages of apprenticeship, presents general tasks for the collection of information and analysis of the activity of the profile organization, as well as a set of individual assignments performed by interns. Score rating system for the evaluation of practice results is provided. In order to successfully improve the competences of students, competency-oriented tasks and criteria for their evaluation have been developed, organizational and pedagogical conditions of learning productivity have been allocated. Practical significance of the work based on possibility of using the presented tasks in the practical preparation of university students who decided to specialize in the field of mass communications.
Keywords: professional competence, general and professional competence, competency-oriented tasks, advertising and public relations, bachelors.
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For citation:
Vinichenko V.A. Practice in the formation of professional competencies of bachelors in advertising and public relations. CITISE, 2022, no. 4, pp. 487-502. DOI: