Etuev Kh.Kh., Sokolova S.K., Shupaev A.V., Bardin V.S., Taumurzaeva F.K.
UDC 378.14.015.62
Etuev Kh.Kh.1 (Innopolis, Russian Federation) –, Sokolova S.K.1 (Innopolis, Russian Federation) –, Shupaev A.V.1 (Innopolis, Russian Federation) –, Bardin V.S.1 (Innopolis, Russian Federation) –, Taumurzaeva F.K.1 (Innopolis, Russian Federation) –
1Innopolis University
Abstract. This article is devoted to the problem of developing a conceptual and structural-content basis for diagnosing the level of formation of competencies in the field of the digital economy. The topic of the article “Model and matrix of relevant competencies for the digital economy” is relevant due to the contradiction between the necessity to develop a multipurpose model and matrix of competencies for the digital economy, which could be applicable both to any educational profile, and to any profile of profession and specialty, and an insufficient number of research in this area. Thus, the purpose of the article is to present the results of the development of a model and competence for the digital economy, which could be successfully applied both as part of a complex evaluation of the formation of competencies (assessment) and as part of the certification of students for the level of formation of digital competencies. The article analyzes and summarizes various approaches of creating a model of competencies; a comparative analysis of the concepts of “model” and “matrix” is presented; the concept of “model of competencies” is clarified; the structure of the model and the competency matrix are presented and described. The scope of competencies, the block of multipurpose and professional competencies and levels of competency formation are identified as structural interrelated elements of the competency model. Conceptual, systemic and action approaches are presented as the main methodological approaches that the authors adhered while developing a model and matrix of competencies for the digital economy. The article substantiates the multipurposeness of the model and the matrix of competencies. The multipurposeness of the model and matrix of competencies developed and presented in the article is determined by their ability to be used for certification of students and assessment of employees of various organizations.
Keywords: competence, matrix, model, digital economy, level of competence formation, approach.
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For citation:
Etuev Kh.Kh., Sokolova S.K., Shupaev A.V., Bardin V.S., Taumurzaeva F.K. Model and matrix of relevant competencies for the digital economy. CITISE, 2022, no. 4, pp. 284-297. DOI: