ISSN 2409-7616

Savin G.V., Savina V.V.


UDC 330.3


Savin G.V.1 (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation) –, Savina V.V.1 (Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation) –

1Ural State University of Economics

Abstract. Today, interactions between economic agents are implemented within the framework of an institutional structure that creates the rules and norms of their activities, and which must be transformed within the framework of a natural framework to suit their needs: for economic agents – in the context of “struggle for existence” or cooperation, for households – saving or receiving goods and services in accordance with the necessary price and a certain quality, for the state – in the field of control, security and savings on infrastructure maintenance. In the aspect of general and global digitalization, total control and transformation of economic systems takes place. Current transformational processes modify traditional relationships and are designed to change current development models, as well as increase the efficiency of the socio-economic system. Controlling and digitalization in logistics allows you to rationalize flow processes in the functional areas of logistics, but the problem of coordination in logistics has been discussed for a long time in terms of constantly linking the functioning of the main units (supply, production, sales and transport), as well as in the field of inventory management and operational regulation of material flow through the links of the logistics system. With the concentration of various types of resources in cities, there is a slowdown and systemic friction of all flow processes. Their infrastructure and information space from the point of view of logistics is expressed by the transport and logistics system (TLS) the development of logistics coordination in which little is discussed today. As a result, logistics coordination between economic agents in the city is possible within the framework of formal logistics institutions as part of the development of sociotechnological drivers of the digital economy. The development of logistics coordination in the transport and logistics system of a smart city involves the formation of a comprehensive theoretical and methodological approach to its formation, as well as the necessary infrastructure, a balanced path for the development of TLS, as well as changing contractual relations with constant control of transaction costs in the digital economy.

Keywords: digital logistics, adaptive logistics coordination, transport and logistics systems, smart city, digitalization, algorithm for choosing the path of development, norms of interactions.


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For citation:

Savin G.V., Savina V.V. Adaptive logistics coordination in the transportation and logistics system of the city. CITISE, 2022, no. 4, pp.154-162. DOI: