Pristupa E.N., Shcherbina A.I.
UDC 373.1
Pristupa E.N.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –, Shcherbina A.I.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –
1Moscow State Pedagogical University
Abstract. The digital educational environment is becoming not only a challenge of the new time, but also an important condition, a means of training a specialist of a new formation. It is the new specialists who will meet all the needs and challenges of the Russian society, which is actively using all the advantages of the coming digital era. In the digital environment, the teacher will have to learn how to organize, accompany and support the educational activities of students, build networking, monitor and evaluate, create the necessary conditions for flexible personalized mastering of educational material by the teaching staff. To do this, it is important to realize the new nature and features of the implementation of pedagogical management in the context of the global digitalization process. The article presents an analysis of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the essence of the digital educational environment of the modern school. The results of domestic and foreign studies on the problem of digitalization of the educational environment and the pedagogical system are presented. Systematized ideas about the pedagogical principles of the use of information technology in the activities of teachers. The use of digital educational technologies in pedagogical practice implies the expansion of the capabilities of all subjects of the educational process (it is possible to supplement the educational process with video, sound, animation, etc.). Proper use of information technology will contribute to the development of educational competence, as well as the rationalization of mental and practical activities, including the effective use of psychological and pedagogical techniques for memorizing and reproducing educational material, increasing cognitive activity and interest in learning students. The authors came to a clear and precise understanding that a modern approach to the organization of the digital educational process in a modern school can maximize the development of the basic competencies of students in solving subject problems.
Keywords: educational environment, educational system, digitalization, digital educational environment, educational institution, online learning.
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For citation:
Pristupa E.N., Shcherbina A.I. Digital educational environment of a modern school. CITISE, 2022, no. 4, pp.119-131. DOI: