ISSN 2409-7616

Bigildina E.R., Ibragimova Z.F., Sultanova R.M., Hasanov R.R., Khizbullina R.Z.


UDC 37.035


Bigildina E.R.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –, Ibragimova Z.F.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –, Sultanova R.M.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –, Hasanov R.R.2 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –, Khizbullina R.Z.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) –

1Ufa University of Science and Technology

2Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after Miftakhetdin Akmulla

Abstract. Patriotic education of students is an integral pedagogical process that relies on the interaction of the subjects of education and is aimed at developing and forming a sense of patriotism among students, acting as a socially significant moral imperative. The purpose of the work is the development of progressive patriotic experience by students, which will allow them to form a holistic attitude to patriotism. The content of patriotic education should contain the very concept of “patriotism” and necessarily include the education of love for the Motherland, for the native land, respect for the traditions and customs of their people. It is important to develop the desire to strengthen the honor and dignity of the Fatherland. The future defender of the Motherland should strive to protect and promote it with a combination of personal and public interests. The education of patriots is an important direction in our country, which should be one of the key ones. The future of the country depends on the modern youth. The paper considers examples of events and classes that are held in modern schools in Russia. The authors have proposed forums and exhibitions that can be visited together with schoolchildren during school hours, and with parents on weekends. At the end of the article, rules are proposed that can be used by parents when raising patriotic children. Being a patriot today is fashionable and proud. You need to love your country with all your heart, sincerely and selflessly, like a baby who loves his mother more than anything in the world and considers her the center of his universe. And the Motherland, as a mother, should be alone. Everyone has. No exceptions.

Keywords: patriotism, upbringing, Homeland, family, schoolchildren, love for the native land.


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For citation:

Bigildina E.R., Ibragimova Z.F., Sultanova R.M., Hasanov R.R., Khizbullina R.Z. Features of patriotic education in modern schools of Russia. CITISE, 2022, no. 3, pp.30-44. DOI: