ISSN 2409-7616

Egorychev A.M., Kretinin A.S., Sarychev A.S.


UDC 37.01:331.363


Egorychev A.M.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –, Kretinin A.S.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –, Sarychev A.S.3 (Arkhangelsk, Russian Federation) –

1Russian State Social University

2Center for Innovative Technologies and Social Expertise

3Northern State Social University

Abstract. The article presents a brief philosophical discourse analysis concerning the prospects for the development of a modern state and society in a dynamically developing world community at the beginning of the 21st century. The factors and conditions that determine the state and development of state-public institutions and structures are considered; substantiates the influence of the integration processes of modern society in the development and implementation of state policy, its goals, direction, content. The authors are firmly convinced that the Russian state has high development prospects, and its people are able to effectively implement social goals and objectives of any complexity. A high level of influence by the institution of the Russian state on the development of social processes in society is possible, taking into account the indispensable conditions: the development and adoption by Russia of a state ideology that meets the historical interests of the Russian people, the traditional foundations of its culture; strong state policy, expressed in the systematic and targeted support of all social institutions and, above all, the family and domestic education at all levels; the presence of the ideal of a Russian person and its legislative consolidation in the Law on Education; development of state-public projects and programs of various directions and levels based on traditional meanings and values ​​of Russian (Russian) culture.

Keywords: world order, ideology, integration processes, forecasting, Russian culture and civilization, globalization.


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For citation:

Egorychev A.M., Kretinin A.S., Sarychev A.S. Ideology, integration processes and forecasting: opportunities and prospects for the development of the state and society. CITISE, 2022, no. 3, pp.459-472. DOI: