ISSN 2409-7616

Degtyareva I.V., Barkova E.E.



UDC 330.3

Degtyareva I.V.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Barkova E.E.1 (Ufa, Russian Federation) – E-mail:

1Ufa State Petroleum Technical University

Abstract. The primary task of the government of any country is to find new resources and ways to support economic growth, especially in the context of the systemic crisis observed in the past few years. This issue is relevant for both developed and developing economies, where new economic relations are being formed. An indispensable condition for the development of a modern economy is the constant increase in the role of innovations, which cannot be implemented without investment. It is innovations that constantly stimulate development, progress and the process of adaptation of modern economies to a changing global environment. It is necessary to direct investment flows to their development and commercialization. The purpose of this study is to identify the relationship between innovation and investment processes, and what support measures are used to stimulate these processes in countries with different levels of development. The urgent need for development in many parts of the world points to the importance of the stable implementation of innovation and investment processes, since innovation and investment act as the main “engine of growth and development”. Results. The study revealed the general properties of innovation and investment processes, which in modern conditions, due to the acceleration of scientific and technological development, has led to the fusion of these processes into one. It has been established that investment and innovation processes are able to mutually influence each other. For the stable development of the economy, it is necessary to maintain a balance of investment and innovation processes, using for this purpose certain support measures that correspond to the level of development of countries. Conclusions. An analysis of the state support measures for innovation and investment processes in developed and developing countries showed that the measures and instruments used by the state are the main incentive for the balanced development of innovation and investment processes. Many of the measures considered are also applied in Russia, however, they have not yet brought a significant result, due to the peculiarities of the conditions for the implementation of innovation and investment processes in the domestic economy.

Keywords: innovation and investment process, innovations, support measures, state grants, improvement of legal and social institutions, developed countries, developing countries.


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For citation:

Degtyareva I.V., Barkova E.E. Measures to support the balanced development of innovative and investment processes (by the example of developed and developing countries). CITISE, 2022, no. 2, pp.569-580. DOI: