ISSN 2409-7616

Astanin D.M., Mutalibova G.K., Belov I.V.



UDC 330.15:711.1

Astanin D.M.1,2 (Vologda, Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Mutalibova G.K.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:, Belov I.V.2 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –

1Vologda State University

2Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

Abstract. The impact of information on visitors in order to regulate their behavior is a task of social sciences. The social approach makes it possible to identify spatial patterns of sustainable functioning of the network of ecological and educational institutions. Environmental education is based on persuasion – a method of informational influence based on facts and logical arguments. In addition to persuasion, the establishment of cultural hegemony, according to A. Gramsci’s theory of the same name, is carried out as a gradual change of opinions and moods in the ordinary consciousness of people. The most effective way of such influence is the relentless repetition of the same statements. For the environmental education system, this means continuity of information, when a tourist constantly receives confirmation of the environmental education information received during the trip. Heritability of information is the principle of spatial organization of the network of objects of the environmental education system. The environmental education system is being created to form the ecological consciousness of the population. The information objects of the system are ecological and educational information visit centers. The article considers the “concept of hegemony” by A. Gramsci and analyzes the influence of the concept on the spatial organization of the network of visitor centers of the environmental education system. The principle of the territorial organization of the network of visit centers is revealed, on the basis of which a model of the territorial organization of the network of visit centers is developed.

Keywords: A. Gramsci hegemony concept, visit center, modeling, territorial organization.


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For citation:

Astanin D.M., Mutalibova G.K., Belov I.V. Modeling of the territorial organization of a network of ecological and educational visit centers (Urban planning approbation of A. Gramsci’s concept of cultural hegemony). CITISE, 2022, no. 2, pp.439-450. DOI: