Sokolnikova N.M., Amanzholov S.A.
UDC 37.018.4
Sokolnikova N.M.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) –, Amanzholov S.A.1 (Moscow, Russian Federation) – E-mail:
1Moscow Pedagogical State University
Abstract. The article deals with issues related to the problem of teaching students the methodology of teaching fine arts using online technologies, in particular, they analyze the conditions for effective online education of student teachers in the methodology of teaching fine arts. The position is substantiated that online learning will better motivate the student if the goal is clearly set, tasks are formulated, prospects are presented, a certain socio-cultural vocational and educational online environment has been created, where everything is tuned to creative activity in education, when the task becomes personal meaningful to the student. The results of the study allow us to state that online learning has a huge potential for the creative construction of a lesson. With proper organization and creation of certain conditions for this, with clearly defined goals and objectives, clearly formulated prospects, it is able to motivate students, arouse in them a strong interest in the learning categories being mastered. It is necessary to create an appropriate socio-cultural professional online environment, in which a future specialist enters from the first days of training, where everything is set up to obtain the necessary knowledge, skills, skills and competencies. At the same time, it is important for the teacher, by all available methods and methods in the process of all online learning, to develop and maintain students’ interest in vocational training, the methodology of teaching fine arts.
Keywords: teaching methods; fine arts; online technologies; cognitive motivation; lesson modeling; professional competencies.
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For citation:
Sokolnikova N.M., Amanzholov S.A. Teaching students the methods of teaching fine arts using online technologies. CITISE, 2022, no. 2, pp.96-102. DOI: