Zhdanova T.A., Zhdanova N.M.
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2022.1.05
UDC 332.1
Zhdanova T.A.1 (Khabarovsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail: 000500@pnu.edu.ru, Zhdanova N.M.1 (Khabarovsk, Russian Federation) – E-mail: nadya_funny98@mail.ru
1Pacific National University
Abstract. The article considers the factors of industrial production assessment from the standpoint of ensuring the economic security of industry in the subject of the Russian Federation. The factors of ensuring the economic security of industrial production are presented as a system of conditions affecting the safety of industrial production, the implementation of which leads to ensuring the safety of industry in the subject of the Russian Federation. The purpose of the study is to show that the improvement of the economic security of industrial production in the territory of the Russian Federation can be carried out by improving the measurement system of economic security of industrial production, using an objective system of indicators that allow quantifying the situation and signaling possible danger and timely reflecting crisis phenomena in industrial production of the Russian Federation. During the research, we used scientific methods of logic, comparison, analysis of statistical material. An indicator approach was used to determine and assess the level of economic security in industrial production. The assessment of the level of economic security in industrial production was carried out by a comparative analysis of the main indicators of the state of economic security of industrial production with threshold values of indicators. In conclusion, the authors formed a system of indicators of economic security of industrial production in the subject of the Russian Federation, the Khabarovsk Territory, conducted a comparative analysis of the main indicators of the state of economic security of industrial production with threshold values of indicators, based on the analysis assessed the level of economic security of industry and determined strategic guidelines for socio-economic development of industry in the subject of the Russian Federation for the long term.
Keywords: economic security, industry, ensuring the economic security of the industry of the subject of the Russian Federation, threats, dangers, factors, criteria, indicators, indicators, industry of the Khabarovsk Territory.
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For citation:
Zhdanova T.A., Zhdanova N.M. Factors for assessing the level of economic security of industry in the subject of the Russian Federation. CITISE, 2022, no. 1, pp.52-66. DOI: http://doi.org/10.15350/2409-7616.2022.1.05